Thursday 27 October 2011

It Won't Be Long

It seems that the more I do of the course the more I get into it and enjoy it. I was worried that typography would be a bit geeky and dull but it was a real education and eye-opener. I'd always thought the world had enough typefaces and, although this might still be true, I've learnt the importance of a good typeface and the subtle but important variations that may exist between similar-looking typefaces.

The exercise 'playing with words' was great fun and gave me an insight into how much variation you can get just from messing amount with the shape of letters and words. I have also started to look much more closely at the typefaces surrounding me, on book, magazine and CD covers to shop fronts, food packaging and menus.

Exercises such as the magazine cover mock ups, flyers and analyses of newspaper layouts not only made me look more closely at how the different typographical and graphic elements interact, but how difficult it is balancing a range of elements to create an aesthetically pleasing design. The assignment brought all this into sharp focus.

Moving into the final section I'm looking forward to exploring an aspect of graphic design I still feel I'm a bit weak on - layout. I hope to draw all of the elements I've learnt so far together. With the last foundation in place I will start to work on the ideas and projects I've been jotting down over the past year or so. This should give me a strong portfolio which will be essential as I start to look for work in the New Year.

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