Wednesday 7 September 2011

All Together Now

Putting the strokes, serifs and bowls of Baskerville back together to form the pangram 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' really gave me an appreciation of the different elements of a typeface. It also made me look much more closely at the subtle differences that exist within a typeface - down to which way a serif faces and the sharpness of the terminals.

Checking my version against the original I realised I'd used two thick strokes for the 'x' instead of one thick and one thin, and that I hadn't used the inverted 'v' shape for the middle of the 'w'. However, the exercise certainly succeeded in giving me a greater appreciation of typefaces, particularly how attention to detail helps contribute to the readability, beauty and effectiveness of a typeface. Consequently, I think that I will pay closer attention when choosing typefaces in the future.

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